Examination Notice
Examination Notice
Notification regarding mercy chance for B.Ed. Gen. and odd semesters of B.P.Ed., D.P.Ed., B.Ed. Special, B.P.Es. & B.A. B.Ed. / B.Sc. B.Ed. (Intg. Course) courses running in Affiliated Education Colleges, CRSU, Jind.
Notification Regarding Removal of Papers from Datasheet's of UG/PG Odd semesters Dec.-2023 Theory Examinations
Notification regarding Addition of theory papers of UG Courses and Pre-Ph.D. Course work (only re-appear student) for December, 2023 Examinations.
Notification Regarding Postpone of theory paper of PG Courses for December, 2023 Examinations
Schedule of submission of Examination Forms of B.P.Ed. (odd semesters), D.P.Ed. (odd semesters), B.Ed. Special (odd semesters), B.P.Es. (odd semesters), BASLP (odd semesters), B.A. / B.Sc. B.Ed. (Only 1st & 3rd semesters) Regular & Re-appear and B.Ed. Gen. (Re-appear only) of Affiliated Education Colleges of CRSU, Jind for February, 2024 Examinations
New Notification Regarding Internal Assessment of NEP-2020 Courses (UG/PG) Running in UTD's/Affliated Degree Colleges.
Notification regarding Addition of theory paper of UG Course (B.Sc. Sports) December, 2023 Examination
Notification Regarding Addition of theory paper (s) of UG/PG Courses Running in UTD's/Affiliated Colleges for Dec.-2023 Theory Examinations.
Notification Regarding Revised/Postponed of theory paper of PG Course Running in UTD's/Affiliated Colleges for Dec.-2023 Theory Examinations.
Notification Regarding Addition/Postpone of theory papers of UG/PG courses December-2023 Examinations
Notification Regarding Examination Centre for UG Courses Dec.-2023 Theory Examinations.
Notification RAC Mr. Bajrang
Revised Notification Regarding Papers of MDC (Multi Disciplinary Courses-NEP-2020) of UG Courses running in Affiliated Colleges and University Teaching Departments.
Notification Regarding Postpone of theory paper (s) of UG Courses Running in UTD's/Affiliated Colleges for Dec.-2023 Theory Examinations.
Notification regarding Postpone of theory paper of UG Courses Semester-I (only for NEP Courses) running in UTD’s/Affiliated Colleges for Dec.-2023 Theory Examinations
Notification regarding some corrections in Nomenclature of theory paper of UG/PG Courses December, 2023 Examination
Notification regarding Addition/Postpone of theory paper of UG/PG Courses December, 2023 Examination
Notification RAC Ms. Neetu.
Notification regarding Addition/Postpone of theory paper of UG/PG Courses December, 2023 Examination
Notification regarding Postpone of theory paper of PG Courses December, 2023 Examination
Notification Regarding Mercy Chance for PG Courses (Session 2018-2020, 2019-2021) for event December-2023 Odd Semesters Examinations
Notification Regarding Papers of MDC (Multi Disciplinary Courses-NEP-2020) of UG Courses running in Affiliated Colleges and University Teaching Departments
Notification Regarding Internal Assessment of NEP-2020 Courses (UG/PG) Running in UTD's/Affliated Degree Colleges.
Schedule of Submission of Examination Forms for 1st Semester of BBA, BCA and B.Sc. Sports Regular Examinations for December, 2023 running in Affiliated Education Colleges, CRSU, Jind.
Notification Regarding Examination Centres for Regular/Reappear Examinations of UG/PG Courses Running in UTD and Affiliated Degree Colleges, CRSU, Jind for December-2023 Examinations.