Date Sheet
Date Sheet
Notification Regarding Revised Final Date Sheet of UG Courses 1st semester (only for NEP Courses) running in UTD’s/Affiliated Colleges for December 2023 Theory Examinations
Notification Regarding Postpone of theory paper (s) of UG/PG Courses Running in UTD's/Affiliated Colleges for Dec.-2023 Theory Examinations.
Final Date Sheet of Diploma in Digital Forensic course Running in UTD, CRSU, Jind for 1st Semester Dec.-2023 Examinations.
Notification Regarding Postpone of theory paper (s) of UG Courses Running in UTD's/Affiliated Colleges for Dec.-2023 Theory Examinations.
Notification regarding Postpone of theory paper of UG Courses Semester-I (only for NEP Courses) running in UTD’s/Affiliated Colleges for Dec.-2023 Theory Examinations
Notification regarding some corrections in Nomenclature of theory paper of UG/PG Courses December, 2023 Examination
Notification regarding Addition/Postpone of theory paper of UG/PG Courses December, 2023 Examination
Notification regarding Addition/Postpone of theory paper of UG/PG Courses December, 2023 Examination
Notification regarding Postpone of theory paper of PG Courses December, 2023 Examination
Final Date-Sheet for various UG Courses Semester-V running in UTD’s/Affiliated Degree colleges of District Jind (For Regular & Reappear) for Dec-2023 Theory Examinations
Final Date-Sheet for various UG Courses Semester-III running in UTD’s/Affiliated Degree colleges of District Jind (For Regular & Reappear) for Dec-2023 Theory Examinations
Final Date-Sheet for various UG Courses (without NEP) Semester-I running in UTD’s/Affiliated Degree colleges of District Jind for Dec-2023 Theory Examinations
Final Date-Sheet for various UG Courses Semester-I (only for NEP Courses) running in UTD’s/Affiliated Colleges for Dec.-2023 Theory Examinations
Final Date Sheet of PG Courses Running in UTD's/ Affiliated Degree Colleges, CRSU, Jind for Odd Semesters (1st & 3rd) December-2023 Examinations.
Notification Regarding Reschedule of Papers in Theory Datesheet of BASLP course Running in Affiliated Education Colleges, CRSU, Jind November-2023 Examinations
Final Date Sheet of M.Ed., M.P.Es., B.A./B.Sc. B.Ed., B.El.Ed, B.ASLP courses Running in Affiliated Education Colleges, CRSU, Jind for November- 2023 Examinations.
Notification Regarding Modification in Theory Date Sheet of Special Examinations of UG Courses (II, IV & VI) Running in Affiliated Degree Colleges for September-2023 Examinations.
Notification Regarding Modification in Theory Date Sheet of Special Examinations of UG Courses (II, IV & VI) Running in Affiliated Degree Colleges for September-2023 Examinations.
Final Date Sheet of M.Ed., M.Ed. (Special), M.P.Es. (Regular & Reappear) Examinations (2nd Semester Only) Running in Affiliated Education Colleges, CRSU, Jind October- 2023 Examinations.
Notification Regarding Postpone of Theory Paper of Special Examinations of UG Courses September-2023 Examinations.
Final Date Sheet of Special Examinations of UG Courses (II, IV & VI Semesters) running in Affiliated Degree Colleges for September-2023 Examinations.
Tentative Date Sheet for special examination of Semester II, IV and VI of UG Courses running in Affiliated Colleges for September-2023 Examinations
Final Date Sheet of B.A./B.Sc. B.Ed. 2nd Semester September-2023 (Regular & Reappear) Theory Examinations
Notification Regarding Reschedule/Added of Theory Paper of B.Ed. (Special) August-2023 Examinations Running in Affiliated Education Colleges, CRSU, Jind.
Final Date Sheet of B.Ed. (Special) August 2023 Examinations running in Affiliating Education Colleges, CRSU, Jind