
Change in Date Sheet - Paper Added  (May 12, 2021 )
Change in Date Sheet 24.05.2019  (May 12, 2021 )
Notification Regarding Revaluation of Feb-19 Examinations  (May 12, 2021 )
Date Sheet of IIIrd and V Semester Re-appear Exams May, 2019  (May 12, 2021 )
Practical Examination May, 2019  (May 12, 2021 )
Change in Date sheet UTD's  (May 12, 2021 )
Date Sheet of IInd And IV Semester Re-appear and Imp. May, 2019  (May 12, 2021 )
Notification and Application For Creation of Examination Center for June-2019 Examinations  (May 12, 2021 )
Final Date Sheet of B.Ed. June 2019 Examinations  (May 12, 2021 )
Notification regarding Postpone of Examinations 11th and 13th May, 2019  (May 12, 2021 )
Fee Structure - B. Ed. Examination  (May 12, 2021 )
Tentative Date Sheet B.Ed June-19 Examinations  (May 12, 2021 )
Final Date Sheet of BA-BSc- B.Ed. running in Prarambh School for Teacher Education May-19 Examinations  (May 12, 2021 )
Change in Date Sheet of UTD's Examination  (May 12, 2021 )
Notification of Change in Date Sheet  (May 12, 2021 )
Notification for M.Ed. 1st and 3rd Semester Practical Examinations  (May 12, 2021 )
Final Date Sheet of Semester II & IV of Courses running in UTDs May-19 Examinations  (May 12, 2021 )
Corrigendum for Date Sheet May 2019  (May 12, 2021 )
Final Date Sheet of Semester II & IV of UG Courses running in Affiliated Colleges May-19 Examinations  (May 12, 2021 )
Final Date Sheet of Semester II & IV of PG Courses running in Affiliated Colleges May-19 Examinations  (May 12, 2021 )